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MinistrySafe and Church of the Nazarene are working together to protect children from sexual abuse.


The mission of the Church of the Nazarene that drives everything we do is to make Christlike disciples in the nations. We recognize that in order to fulfill this mission, the discipling ministries of our local churches must take place in safe and nurturing environments that strive to protect all of God’s family from harm, especially those who are most vulnerable.

We understand that no dynamic community of faith seriously engaged in this mission can ever be fully insulated against the scourge of sexual misconduct with minors. Despite the inescapable reality of evil, we recognize that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.

Creating this safe environment requires awareness, diligence, and monitoring on a consistent and systematic basis. With an even greater commitment to the mission, we must develop sound policies and preventative practices which, when earnestly and vigilantly enforced, offer the best protection possible to the most vulnerable among us.

To that end, we strongly urge all local churches to adopt and implement the policies and procedures presented here and in the additional resources available through Nazarene Safe.

The mission of the Church of the Nazarene drives everything we do.


The Church of the Nazarene has adopted a zero tolerance policy for sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior with minors. All workers, leaders, and pastoral staff are to be above reproach in their conduct and to act in the best interest of others. This requires not only that they themselves refrain from engaging in any abusive or suspicious behavior involving minors; they will also be required to report without delay to the proper authorities anyone seen engaging in such behavior.

—The Board of General Superintendents, Church of the Nazarene

Dear Pastors and Ministry Leaders:

God calls us to make our churches places where everyone is protected from abuse and can experience the love of God through healthy relationships. The Church of the Nazarene is committed to zero tolerance of sexual misconduct with minors, with the goal of eliminating every such hindrance to the Holy Spirit’s transforming work. Nazarene Safe™ was created to make that goal a reality.

Nazarene Safe™ is your portal to valuable information, tools, and educational materials. With the Nazarene Safe™ system, churches of every size can establish an effective prevention program, implementing proven guidelines and practical procedures tailored to their specific needs. Nazarene Safe™ offers access to video training for staff and volunteers. Churches using the Nazarene Safe™ system will enhance their ability to recognize potential victims and abusers quickly, to respond appropriately, and to report confidently.

Our desire is that implementing these procedures will not be burdensome and that you will find the added assurance well worth your investment in our most precious resource of all. May God bless your efforts in protecting those entrusted to your care.

Serving Him together,

Leslie M. Hart, Global Director
Nazarene Safe and Children’s Ministries International

“Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.”
(1 Corinthians 4:2)


  • Awareness Training

  • Staff and Volunteer Screening

  • Policies, Procedures, and Practices For Working With Minors

  • Accountability: Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Reporting and Responding

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